Marina Bay Club Marina Bay Club
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Welcome to Marina Bay Club Condominium Association
Work Order Requests:
Click here to submit a work order request.  
March 2024 meeting updates:
The Board renewed the irrigation contract with R&G.
The Board approved the 2023 draft audit.  The audit has been posted to the website.
The Board approved the proposal for the purchase of new pool furniture.
The Board approved the proposal to paint the interior of the pool house.
The Board approved repairing the cracks and painting the tennis court.
Notice regarding paint cans:
If you need to dispose of cans of liquid paint, it must be done in one of two ways:
1.     Remove the lid, let dry for several weeks until it is hard. Once it is completely dry, you may put the paint cans NEXT to your garbage can for pick up.
2.     Remove the lid, put sand in the paint and let it absorb the paint.  Once it is completely dry, you may put the paint cans NEXT to your garbage can for pick up.
3.     You may bring your paint cans to the Monmouth County Household Hazardous Waste Facility, located at 3211 Shafto Road in Tinton Falls.    The facility is open from 11AM – 4PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 8AM-4PM on Saturdays.  For further information, please visit:
When a resident disregards the rules about paint cans, and it causes a situation like what has happened today,
the cost of cleaning up comes out of each unit owner’s maintenance fee and it is money from the budget that now can’t be spent on another project.
Hopefully, the above information will be helpful to all our neighbors and will help prevent any future unnecessary mishaps to our community.
At the March 9th meeting, the Board approved the renewal contract with Candlewood Pool Management for pool management services.  Candlewood will also be painting the pool prior to opening for the season.

At the March 9th meeting, the Board approved the renewal contract with R&G Irrigation.  The Board also approved the 2021 draft audit, and once finalized, will be posted to the website.
Notice re:  Snow Removal:  Each unit owner must utilize their garage before parking elsewhere to allow more room for the contractors to work to remove the snow.  If you have a truck or oversize vehicle and you cannot fit it in your garage, please put it in the overflow lot.
If and when two inches of snow have fallen, Specialized Landscaping will arrive on site to begin snow removal which until the snow stops, will consist of keeping the roadways clear.    Once the snow stops, they will be addressing  all sidewalks, walkways, and front steps to each unit.
Specialized Landscaping will have several snow staging areas around the community.  Down at the marina, the first three spaces on either end of the parking spots will be used for equipment storage and a snow staging area.  Please do not park in the first three spaces on either end.  They will also be using two parking spots at the end of each cluster for snow staging areas.  Please do not move any cones that are in parking spaces.
Specialized will not be able to clear the parking spaces on Marina Bay Drive if there is a car parked in a space.  It is preferable that the parking spaces are left open during a snow event so the contractors can fully clear the parking spaces.
If you must be parked in an open parking space anywhere in the community, and you see Specialized working in the area, kindly move your car to another area to allow them more room to remove the snow.
Lastly, please keep in mind there are 93 units in the community.  Specialized cannot get to every unit first.  They will work as quickly and efficiently as possible.    As of now, signs are pointing to this being a big storm, we are asking for everyone’s cooperation.